Run: Easy Previous Next


4:41 AM

8.7 mi


8:13 mi


53 F


Temp 53 Wind 6 mph.

Cut Down Tempo Day. Going to take another shot at the workout I had to abort on the TM last Friday. About 12:00 minutes of progressive easy jogging, then a couple of pickups. Total warm-up = 1.88 miles at 7:54 average pace.

Workout plan is (1) 16:00 minutes at 7:15, (2) 16:00 minutes at 7:00, and (3) 16:00 minutes at 6:45. Rolling fine for about 7:00 minutes, then get the "calf dagger". Sudden and immediate. Stop, try to stretch, shake it out and restart, but feel it calf to butt along the sciatica. Well, hell. Made it a mile in 7:06.

Nothing to do until 6:00 a.m., so jog around for a little over 20:00 minutes at 8:53 average pace until things settle down, loosen back up, and can settle into that "sweet comfortable spot" in my stride. Pick it up some to an 8:20 average for another twenty and change, then finish things off at a smooth 7:55 clip for about the last mile or so.

Can run all day, just not very fast.
