Run: Easy Previous Next


4:41 AM

3.8 mi


9:06 mi


48 F


Temp 48 (WC 41) Winds 19 mph. Gusts to 24 mph.

Interval Workout Day. Decent day for this. Windy (from the south and cool?), but temps perfect. Shorts, cover the skin on top, and let the snot faucet flow. Been sore and achy last twelve hours. Energy levels a little low due to diet. Good nutritous food, just bad balance. Oh well, shut up, buck up, and get it done.

2.31 mile warm-up in 20:34. A jog to the track passing Paul S. stretching at his stop sign on Alpine & Broadridge. Couple of laps with two striders into the wind. Short stretch out and its go time.

Last chance before Charleston, so going with a 5K specific interval workout today. 5 x 5:00 Minutes at 5K/10K with 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals. With low energy level, should be no problem getting just above threshold. Legs may be fresh enough to carry the load today and keep the paces at less than embarrassing levels.

Start with a lap on the track to jump-start the turnover, out the gate, and over and up West Lane hill to The Orchards. (6:28). On mark to start.

Zig-zag through the subdivision on next two. Running up and down the ridge. (6:17) and (6:17).

Switch off for last two running around the perimeter of the subdivision. 50/50 climb and decent. Set up to run downhill with wind in my face and uphill with it at my back. (6:18) and (6:13). Near disaster on last rep. Coming up on lady walking on side of road in the dark. I'm moving fast and she is not reacting. Worried I'm going to spook her. Out of corner of my eye, see large white dog on other side of street...on a leash! Pull up about 10 meters short of "trip-wire". Would have hit that so hard I would have rolled and tumbled all the way to Marble Hill.

Short stretch out after last jog interval, then a 1.49 mile jog home in 13:58. Got the job done and got it done right. Think I'm ready to turn in another decent 5K. Time to sharpen up, bring this bird in for a smooth landing, and avoid any cracks in the fuchsia lodge.
