Run: Easy Previous Next


4:43 AM

3.9 mi


9:43 mi


69 F


Temp 69 Winds Calm. Humidity 86% Dew Point 65°.

AT Tempo on Track. Jog to track and hit three surges on straights to prime. Originally planned on tempo intervals, but got rolling and went with it. Twelve laps, flipping directions every three laps. Overall 24:26 minutes at 7:27 average pace. First six laps at 7:33 average, second six laps at 7:22 average. Sweating gushers in cotton tee. Lower back fatigue better, but hanging around. Getting off the road a few days should help. About 16:00 minutes of jogging to get back to the house.

Note to (over-paid) administration: If you don't want public on track due to C19, then I don't want any of your punk-ass students on my front porch trying to sell me crap to fund your extracurricular activities.
