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5:22 AM

3.3 mi


7:21 mi


55 F


Temp 55 Wind 4 mph.

General Workout. Jog for about 15:00 minutes, stopping at the bottom of the Russell/Cascade hill. Legs achy and on the heavy side, but feeling blessed not to have to deal with anything as debilitating as Juan Epstein's Mother's disastrous pedicure only a couple of days before having to be on her feet for two and a half hours for a HM. Continue moving forward with 4 x hill sprints.

Primary workout is 24:00 at AT. Running the town as it lays for my route. Loop the park before taking an Oak Street, East Lane, Orchard Drive, and West Lane route to finish in The Orchards. Park was fine, The Orchards OK, but lots of traffic dancing in between. Rattled the knees and lower back at times when knocked off task. Was at 7:22 average pace after 4:00 minutes and finished at 7:21 overall. Knocked off task, but not off game.

Cool down of another 16:00 minutes jogging back to the house. Averaged 8:42 pace. Two dimes and two pennies.
