Run: Hill Circuits Previous Next


4:55 AM

4.9 mi


8:46 mi


62 F


Temp 62 Wind 21 mph.

Hill Circuit Day. Rain and storms taking their time to get here allowing me to get this in dry. Legs on the tired side (on purpose). Notice efficiency creeping back into stride for second day in a row. Ready to work today. Warm-up of 20:23 minutes with two surges.

Four Hill Circuits in 42:35. Focused on purpose and execution this morning. Turnover on all four striders sub-6 and topping in mid 5s. Controled and held form with tired legs. Wind picking up by the minute and is blowing 20+ mph by the time I'm done. Stiff resistance on last two downhills. Overall, best workout in weeks.

Jog a 1.77 mile route home for cool-down. Humidity and dew point climbing quick. Streets and sidewalks starting to sweat. May get nasty again.

Have seen lady in recent weeks walking a lab pup in mornings. Will not acknowledge me when I speak to her. Today, she is stopped in front of the house with the nicest lawn on the street. Letting it scratch, dig, and crap at end of leash about 10 feet off the street. All I could do not to stop and put my foot in the middle of her wide-load ass. Walking in my front door, catch out of the corner of my eye that she's stopped in front of my place. Stop, turn around and start heading back to street. Yanks the dog and scoots. Didn't think she could move that fast.
