Run: Long Previous Next


7:17 AM

8.6 mi


7:37 mi


36 F


Temp 36 (31) Wind 6 mph.

Long Run with Stuff. Won the weather bet. Started in a misty fog, finished in sunshine, and above freezing the entire morning. Left from the house, looped the civic center, and back to Russell/Cascade Hill in exactly 31:00 minutes. 6 x hill sprints followed by drills and strides.

Workout starts with 24:00 minutes of hilly tempo time that ends with one lap on the track. Averaged 7:11 pace. Take a 400 jog, then hit a 1200 at 6:50 pace (400 jog), an 800 at 6:47 pace (400 jog), and finish with a 400 at 6:31 pace.

Jog back to the house via the high school. Dime, nickel, and two pennies.
