Run: Long Previous Next


7:03 AM

10 mi


9:12 mi


142 bpm
156 bpm


65 F


Temp 65 Winds Calm. Humid (90%) Dew Point 62 degrees. Heavy fog, burnt off by finish.

Not much work to do today. 5K yesterday. Next race over one month away. All that's needed is a double digit Long Run Effort. Just went out and ran around the joint for about an hour and a half. Legs not really sore, rather a little fatigued. They were troopers and answered the bell without any complaints. They don't know it yet, so they're going to be pissed, but I'm running them through 2-3 circuits on the weights this afternoon.

Started out little fast. First five all under 9:10. Slowed on the more hilly back end. Did couple of the first five on the track to save some wear and tear.

Thought last week was good. 9:29 pace at 141 Ave HR. Today was 0:17 seconds per mile faster at 142.
