Run: Easy Previous Next


5:08 AM

6.7 mi


8:47 mi


75 F


Temp 75 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 73 degrees.

Hour @ Easy Effort w/ Drill & Strider Session. Twenty minutes of jogging followed by another 2-3 minutes of static stretching to ensure things are good and warm. Immediately into 25-minute drill and strider session. Went methodically through almost entire repertoire x 2 with a focus on feeling the muscles work through the entire range of motion. Finished off remaining lap after last strider, out the gate, and on home.

Been faithful to upper-body weight workouts and core exercises. 3x - 4x a week. Tonight is triceps.

Done. Ready as I'm going to be eight weeks into program. Rest day on Friday and tune-up on Saturday. Have offered to help set up for local mini-duathlon Saturday morning. Shouldn't take long. Will work until its done or I get yelled at, whichever comes first.
