Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:20 AM

5.9 mi


6:46 mi


57 F


Temp 57 Wind 16 mph. Humidity 89%.

Alternating Tempo Run. Unseasonably warm and humid with storms on their way. Expecting to be forced in doors for workout, so structured it in my head for a treadmill. Able to get outside, but left it as planned, went out, ran it.

Warm-Up = 2.10 miles over to the track at 7:43 average pace.

Tune-Up = Four laps (1.06 miles) in middle lanes at 6:55 average pace. Quicker turnover and trying to get a read on effort with humidity and wind.

Alternating Tempo = Nothing cheap. Started on the hills in The Orchards, middle part on Oak Street over to City Park the hard way, finishing on some rollers in and around City Park:

4:00 Minutes @ MP: 6:59 average pace.

8:00 Minutes @ 10K: 6:26 average pace.

4:00 Minutes @ MP: 7:10 average pace.

8:00 Minutes @ 10K: 6:36 average pace.

4:00 Minutes @ MP: 7:17 average pace.

8:00 Minutes @ 10K: 6:34 average pace.

4:00 Minutes @ MP: 7:13 average pace.

Real challenge. Quads and hip flexors still heavy from weight workout. Hills, wind, and humidity in the mix. Soft again on my MP minutes. Whole thing started to feel like moving in slow motion after about 15:00 minutes. Oak Street hill changed the game. Not pretty or smooth, but quality was there.

Cool-Down = 1.61 miles at 8:01 average pace. More runners and walkers than cars on the roads. Paul S., Coach Jill K, Reid W., and few more of the regulars. Warm enough for the kids to be hanging out again...left me a dime, two nickels, and five pennies.
