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5:18 AM

0.7 mi


17:24 mi


30 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 30 Winds Calm.

General Fitness Maintenance. Jog a 1.40 mile route from the house to the park. Hit 6 x hill sprints. Owned that hill this morning. Next up is 2 x 9:00 minute AT tempo intervals with a 3:00 minute jog in the middle. Average paces for AT efforts were 7:25 and 7:10. Few bumpy patches trying to navigate some dark areas with eyes watering in the cold air; however, for the most part, high quality minutes. Finish with a 2.41 mile jog back to the house. Dime and six pennies.

Fat Elvis making every effort to be front and center last 48 hours. Occurred to me yesterday that him writing and singing songs about running is the equivalent of Elton John writing and singing love songs about women.
