Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:31 AM

2.8 mi


7:06 mi


73 F


Temp 73 Winds Calm. Humidity 95% Dew Point 71°.

20/20/20 AT Tempo Run (Hills). Temp + DP nearly 145. Fog. Summer is back. Up = 2.37 miles at 8:20 average pace. Four short surges as primers.

Only going 20:00 today, so was going to allow effort to creep to 80%-85%. On auto-pilot below the waist from the start allowing full focus on upper body posture, breathing, and running relaxed. Ended up 80%-85% pace with only 75%-80% effort. Splits were 7:07 / 7:05 / 5:48 (7:05). Felt as even and smooth as numbers indicate.

Down = 2.44 miles at 8:08 average pace. Riding the brakes all the way home. Ran for free.
