Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:08 AM

4.2 mi


7:13 mi


65 F


Temp 65 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 92% Dew Point 63°.

AT Run -- 15/30/15 Format. Took a total day off from all exercise and stretching yesterday. Not "ideal" running weather, but after last few weeks, feels comfortable. Have some early light with full moon and sunrise. Rested. Only running for one hour total; this should be a breeze.

Up = 1.80 miles at 8:20 average pace. House to the track with three surges.

AT = 4.16 miles at 7:13 average pace. Three laps on the track, over, then up and down the ridge in The Orchards, out and loop around Orchard Drive and Oak Street for one final bigger hill, then finish last 600-700 meters back on the track. Splits: 7:21 / 7:16 / 7:14 / 7:05 / 1:04 (6:54). 7:13 = 3:09:XX FM. Ran it all on feel. Maybe a few ticks too quick, but had cardio in total control and was able to put heavy focus on strong, efficient stride.

Down = 1.86 miles at 8:06 average pace. Dime and a nickel. Solid day, relaxing and fun.
