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5:03 AM

2.6 mi


3.42 mi / hr


25 F
  • Map


Temp 25 (19) Wind 5 mph.

Long Day. Over the next few days will attempt to execute 40%-60% of original training plan. Doing whatever is possible to achieve as much as possible of that day's intended training effect.

Today's workout was a 135:00 minute time-on-feet long run.

1) Start by walking for 20:00+ minutes to warm up. Able to run backwards without issues, so worked in 4 x 50m backwards running into the mix to increase intensity and prep for run/walk intervals.

2) Next up is run/walk intervals. Running the straights and walking the turns in lane eight. Going until unable to execute strictly. Max time of 54:00 minutes. Was doing fine for first two miles, then decided to try some 200s to take some turns. Got to chopping and stomping instead of striding and pulled the plug on this idea about half way into second 200. Tried to go back to original plan, but chopping and stomping continued. Done. At least I got in over half an hour before being a dumbass and screwing the pooch.

3) Walk another 20:00+ minutes.
