Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:04 AM

4.8 mi


7:22 mi


51 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 57 Wind 3 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. Been running plenty of hills. Today will stay fairly flat and rolling. Jogging and two surges over 2.14 miles at 8:13 average pace for warm up.

Workout is 2 x 15:00 minutes with 5:00 minute interval. First 15:00 minutes at 7:09 average pace. Went out choppy and fast. Did not get under control until about 8:00 to 10:00 minutes in. Better the second 15:00 minutes. Averaged a few ticks slower (7:13), but closer to where I need to be running for AT training. My assessment is that these will need to be in the 7:20-7:30 range as they get extended out for max benefits. Only thing saving me at sub 7:10 pace is the shorter intervals. Not too sharp with the mental focus today also. Never an excuse for that.

Cool down of 2.08 miles at 9:06 average pace. Lots of runners at the park and saw one of the newer running group members (B. Miller) out. Introduced myself to him and jogged along while we spoke. How the hell did I run nine miles total? Home feeling like I'd only done four or five. Three pennies.
