Run: Recovery Previous Next


6:14 AM

4.3 mi


9:33 mi


24 F


Temp 24 (12) Wind 13 mph.

Recovery Run. Between easy running, harder effort, TM running, and lifting, just about every muscle fiber below the waist is gassed. Good new, no dings of any significance. Mild inflammation in right knee. Normal these days after harder or longer efforts and no where near what it was after last week's 5K. Some sticky fascia in bottom of left forefoot. Typical day after doing any kind of plyo jumps.

Started with a 10:00+ minute first mile. Light, spotty dusting of freezing rain had stuck to concrete surfaces. Enough to think better of anything less than slow with 110% focus. Can't complain much. After yesterday, today almost feels like 50°. Snow started as I was making my right turn onto Farmington Road at Casey's. Got in just in time. Had a blanket on the ground within an hour. Three dimes and five pennies.

Sign of the Times: Biggest HM in Southern Illinois. Organizers have 700+ pictures posted on facebook by end of day. Twenty-four later, even though they timed their own event, no results available.
