Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:04 AM

4.1 mi


7:22 mi


163 bpm
169 bpm


19 F


Temp 19 (WC 11) Wind 6 mph.

Thirty @ Tempo Effort. Wanting to work in 160-170 HR zone. Starting on the track, on to 10-15 minutes zig-zagging through The Orchard's hilly streets, and then back to the track for the finish. Protect the toe/foot. Focus on fact this is a workout for the heart not the legs.

7:07 - Ave HR 157 Max 162

7:28 - Ave HR 163 Max 168

7:24 - Ave HR 164 Max 168

7:28 - Ave HR 166 Max 169

Overall: 7:22 - Ave HR 163 Max 169.

Pretty close to real good. 25:45 in target zone. No toe/foot issues. Thirty minutes of quality with only 7:22 m/m wear and tear on the legs.
