Run: Treadmill @ 1.5% Previous Next


6:25 AM

3.7 mi


7:08 mi


Re-introducing speed work. 20-30 mph winds prohibit taking this outside on the track. No biggie, will repeat next week outdoors.

1) 12:00 minutes easy and progressive with deck at 1.0%.

2) Change into A6s, put deck at 1.5% and go another 6:00 minutes progressing from 7:50 to 7:23.

3) 0:45 minutes at 6:55 w/ 0:45 minutes at 7:50.

4) 1:30 minutes at 6:44 w/ 1:00 minute at 7:50.

5) 2:30 minutes at 6:44 w/ 1:00 minute at 7:50.

6) 2:30 minutes at 6:35 w/ 1:00 minute at 7:50.

7) 2:30 minutes at 6:35 w/ 1:00 minute at 7:50.

8) 2:30 minutes at 6:27 w/ 1:00 minute at 7:50.

9) 2:30 minutes at 6:19.

10) Back into A5s, deck back at 1.0%, and cool down for 12:00 minutes.

Ended up improvising the interval workout. Not getting to where I wanted to be quick enough, so took an extra rep at 6:44. Planned on maxing at 6:27, but first time at that pace was the easiest of all reps, so dropped the last one to 6:19. Felt like I nailed the desired workout stimulus, plus only spent 50:00 minutes total time on TM. Not trashed.
