Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


8:40 AM

0.8 mi


13:37 mi


42 F


Temp 42 Wind 7 mph.

Warm Up. Get to Community Center early to (1) sign up, and (2) find out where the course runs. They'd forgot to print maps, but RD gave me a verbal overview and said someone was suppose to have painted arrows on road. Decide to warm up by jogging while following arrows and stopping at parking lots along the way to mix in drills and strides. First two jogging sessions about 0.60 miles each and average paces were 7:40 / 7:13. Very easy effort and a lot of pop this morning, but need to chill this for another hour. Total Up = 2.66 miles of jogging and another 0.79 of drills and strides. All signs are pointing to being sharp today. Five pennies also.
