Run: Easy Previous Next


5:02 AM

3.9 mi


8:26 mi


53 F


Temp 53 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 87% Dew Point 49°.

Short (10-12 Second) Hill Repeats. Cool and muggy. Long-sleeve tee a good call. Warm-up jog to City Park with two surges. 2.52 miles in 21:13.

Have not included short hill repeats in any cycle for several months. Will restart with eight reps. Starting even with fence row at edge of park, up Russell Street, and finishing at speed limit sign. Approximately 50 meters. Rest intervals are 2:0Xish minutes of walking. Numbers: 1st one a 0:12, all the rest 0:11s. Rusty and a little uncoordinated in spots, but good enough to be effective. Expect to get better and regain form quickly.

Short cool-down jog home. 1.40 miles in 11:47. Ended long dry spell with three pennies.
