Run: Long Previous Next


5:51 AM

13 mi


9:00 mi


39 F


Temp 39 (33) Wind 8 mph.

Long Run (135:00 Minutes with Drills and Strides). Jog about 20:00 minutes at 9:17 average pace to the park. Hit about 12:00 minutes of drills and strides. Rest of the 1:55:00ish at around 9:00 flat.

Had plenty of hills on my legs for the week, so didn't seek them out. Didn't purposely avoid them either, and still ended up with over 1300 feet of inclines. Ran most of the morning with a Glukos in my mouth to prep for race day. Had to quit at three before becoming diabetic. Dressed for the wind chill and overheated about two hours in. Tad under hydrated to start and all the sweating starting to become a mental concern. Stopped at the high school for about 10:00 minutes to chat with Coach Golden about getting older and making necessary adaptions to continue to live the active way we want to live. Crappy payday. Only six pennies. Actually, overall, a better day than it sounds. Nice to be out in the fresh air. All in all, just normal stuff...normal 0.0008% of 20,000 stuff.
