Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:13 AM

3.4 mi


7:07 mi


64 F
  • Map


Temp 64 Wind 6 mph.

Tempo Intervals. Some light sprinkles early, but dry for the most part. Legs have been low on air since last Friday's plyo. (Did about 25%-30% more reps while trying out various jumps to plug into workouts going forward.) Was going to break this run up to monitor effort/results, but switched mind-sets and went ahead and ran it continuous. Dark with cloud cover and light drains my Garmin battery quickly, so easier just to set alerts, run on feel, hit lap buttons, and check the data after I am done.

18:00 Minutes Up - 2.27 miles at just under 8:00 average pace. Picked it up a couple of steps after 15:00 minutes.

Workout is 2 x 9:00 Minutes at Tempo Effort with 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals. First 9:00 at 6:48 average pace. Second 9:00 at 6:37 average pace. Tweeked stride is in a good slot, just need to keep working on smoothing out some hitches and picking up the turnover while continuing to get stronger.

14:15 Minutes Down - 1.63 miles pretty slow while watching closely not to have a sloppy finish. Overall, time well spent this morning. A penny during the warm-up.
