Run: Long Previous Next


5:27 AM

4.6 mi


7:51 mi


67 F


Temp 67 Wind 8 mph. Humidity 79% Dew Point 61°.

Long Run. Muggy, didn't warm up any, didn't need to. Teased rain a couple of times. Back on top of this head cold / sinus infection thing, but will forgo a LT workout for one more week and go at another general time-on-my-feet long run. Will break into segments and mix up the stimulus.

Hills - 4.60 miles at 7:51 average pace.

Drills and Striders - 13+ minutes worth.

XC - Changed into blue-n-whites. 5.08 miles at 7:35 average pace. Stayed on higher ground to avoid puddles. Grass still tall and wet. Felt easy for the pace.

Flat / Rolling - Put on some dry socks (put them in my bag on purpose...yeah right) and change back into the red-n-grays. 4.08 miles at 7:41 average pace.

All pennies today (9). Chaos Week ends. Barely survived. Will be starting Chaos Week-Lite tomorrow; however, our crack pot IT support staff is going all out to turn it into Chaos Week II.
