Run: Trail / XC Previous Next


7:06 AM

3 mi


7:21 mi


70 F
  • Map


Temp 70 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 93% Dew Point 68°. Warmed to upper 70s, wind picked up to 12 mph.

Long Run. Nasty morning that got nastier as we went. CBEM originals with Jeremy S. rejoining us after several months away. Start with 5.31 miles of jogging, drills, and striders.

Todays workout is 1200s with 400 jog intervals. First three on rolling XC terrain, last two on flat roads. Starting at HM effort and taking it where it goes. Not acclimated to this muck, so working on effort and holding it together over any pace targets. Average Paces for Reps = 6:53 / 6:37 / 6:39 / 6:32 / 6:30. Legs had it after 800 into rep #5. About the same time the sun broke through the haze and the wind became noticable. Got some good zone work.

Cool-down = 2.50 miles in 22:13. Very easy. Some with the crew and some with The Rising Force as he cruised throught the area. Eagle-eyed a nickel on a bridge on Independence Ave.
