Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:21 AM

4.8 mi


7:22 mi


70 F


Temp 70 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 92% Dew Point 67°.

20/35/20 AT Tempo Intervals. Rain moves past just before heading out. Leaves clean muggy air and wet streets. Unscheduled and ad-libbed workout this morning. Wanting to get the last of the acidic gunk flushed out of my lower legs after Tuesday's fiasco followed by two days of work travel.

Up = 2.36 miles at 8:28 average pace. Over to the track. Hit four short surges along the way.

Workout = 2 x 15:00 at AT with a 5:00 minute jog interval. Two laps on the track, over The Orchards to zig-zag the ridge, then back for three more track laps to finish. Average 7:18 and 7:11 on the two 15:00 minute AT efforts. Ran on feel and never pushed. Recent warm weather race times indicate about a 3:10:00 FM, so my reads were pretty much spot on.

Down = 2.38 miles at 8:24 average pace. Good, honest day's work.
