Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:22 AM

3.6 mi


7:09 mi


46 F
  • Map

McLane Park


Temp 46 Winds Calm.

Interval Day. Weatherman off a few degrees, but still pretty doggone nice. Physical assessment: pelvis really pissed off, groin on the angry side, HS is chillin', and ITB may be in the past. Some minor general soreness and fatigue left over from race and long run. 20:00 minutes Up with two surges (2.30 miles).

Workout is 12 x 400 (0.24) @ 10K/5K Effort with 100 (0.06) Jogs. Have a route laid out that fits three reps in each lap. One will be up a long small incline, one back down it, and the other on a big loop around a parking lot. 99 / 97 / 91 / 97 / 95 / 93 / 94 / 93 / 91 / 93 / 92 / 92. Settled in at 94-91 (6:30-6:20).

Another 20:00 Down (2.27 miles). A dime.
