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5:00 AM

2.8 mi


7:07 mi


18 F
  • Map


Temp 18 (8) Wind 9 mph.

(Glorified) 20/20/20 AT Run. Not going to get any warmer...can't get much out the door early. House to track at 8:19 average pace. Few minutes of drills and two strides to complete warm-up.

Plan is 20:00 minutes at AT. No way to hear Garmin alerts with two layers over the ears. Will guess at time based on effort and track positioning. Strong and focused from the start. Flipped directions mid-way. First half averaged 7:10 pace, second half averaged 7:05 pace. Was off on estimated time by a whole 0:03 seconds.

Down = 2.41 miles at 9:35 average pace.
