Run: Easy Previous Next


6:10 AM

6.4 mi


9:27 mi


39 F


Temp 39 Winds Calm.

Track Intervals. Whenever asked my preference for a race day's weather, my response is sunny, 38°, and little to no wind. In other words, a morning just like this morning. Took a two mile route to the track at 8:44 average pace. Smooth, but not real sharp or quick. Attribute that to post-plyo stiffness. The recent normal has been to take a lap of strides on the straights and walk the turns. Take two laps this morning.

Workout is intervals in an up the ladder, across the bridge, and back down the ladder format. Looking at starting at a 15K-10K effort and working towards 5K. Working in inside three lanes. Distances approximate.

Rep Distance @ Average Pace (Jog Interval Distance):

400 @ 6:29 (200)

800 @ 6:37 (200)

1200 @ 6:27 (400)

1200 @ 6:22 (400)

1200 @ 6:33 (400)

800 @ 6:22 (200)

400 @ 6:16

Not as uneven as would appear. First 400 too hot after extra couple of strides for warm ups. Was running the 1200s with strategy of fist lap control, second lap push, third lap finish it off. Simply started third 1200 too soft and pace progression flowed slow all the way through the rep. Much better than last interval session.

Extended cool down thorough town soaking in the perfect conditions. About 35:00 minutes at 9:19 average pace. Saw The Coach (Jeremy S.) in the parking lot when leaving track. Great to catch up. Not a big payday, but did snag a full cycle: Quarter, two dimes, a nickel, and three pennies. Perfect Saturday morning in Mayberry.



Good, solid workout!