Run: Easy Previous Next


4:44 AM

4.8 mi


8:24 mi


68 F


Temp 68 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 66°.

AT Tempo Run on Hills (20/28/20 Format). Roll out of bed a bit old, stiff, and creaky. Been there 100s of times and expect to shake it off with a shot of coffee and some dynamic stretching.

Up = 2.51 miles at 8:15 average pace. More oxygen and less water at the bottom of a lake than what is in the air this morning.

AT = 3.76 miles at 7:28 average pace. Been running hilly ATs on shorter, steeper hills. Mixing it up today with some long steady climbers. HP to HS to Jr. High. Big loop of The Orchards, then head back to City Park on Oak. Last alert went off at Oak and Farmington Rd. Switched screens to "Time" just past 4:00 minutes and was averaging 7:28 pace. Did not look again until stopped watch at 28:00 and was averaging...7:27 pace. Knew I'd be close to four miles, so recorded splits: 7:28 / 7:36 (almost all uphill) / 7:24 / 5:32 (7:21). Great bang-for-buck of physical toll versus training zone time. Fits nice into planned weekend training block.

Down = 2.25 miles at 8:33 average pace. Another eight and a half in the lifetime log. Ran for free today.
