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7:55 AM

2.6 mi


8:20 mi


67 F
  • Map


Temp 67 Wind 15 mph. Humidity 90% Dew Point 63°.

Good night's sleep and wake up with just a few minor old man issues. Nothing that cannot be rolled, stretched, or knocked out with a hammer before race time.

Jog from Fitness Plus down to Arena Park. 1.32 miles at 8:01 average pace. Damn, it is muggy. Get in a couple of real crisp and sharp drill sets, but not a lot of pop to the striders. Only topped in mid 6:20s.

Start to head back and hear Schmiz call my name. He is with Coach Davis and a couple of his NDHS kids. Schmiz heading my way for race, so hop in with them on return trip. 1.25 miles at 8:37 average pace. Only one penny for my troubles this morning.

2 year-old granddaughter waiting at finish line and is doing her first race (50 yard dash) in few minutes. Skipped any cool down so I could run with her. Kids ran inside on track. She kept going with some older kids and lasted over 400 meters before we could get her to stop.
