Run: Easy Previous Next


2:34 PM

5.1 mi


9:43 mi


139 bpm
154 bpm


70 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 70 Wind 15, Gusts 24.

Morning after first 12 mile Long Run...ouch. Stiff and sore. Crick in neck from pillow. Stiffness and soreness went away as day went on, crick did not. Don't run with my neck, so no big deal. Legs were still lead.

Planned on Recovery Run, but with heavy legs, wind, and hills my slower pace felt more like "stomp-fest" than runner's stride. Ave. HR elevated from get go. Turned it into an Easy Run after mile two. Had laid out clothes to run pre-dawn in 50 degrees. Ended up running in middle of day and 70 degrees, but didn't re-think attire. Overheated in mile four.

Local running club's Spring Classic 5k this Saturday. Will do lots of Easy Runs this week with Tempo Run Wednesday morning. Can use race as this week's speed work. Target race less than 4 weeks out now.
