Run: Long Previous Next


7:16 AM

8.2 mi


8:58 mi


25 F


Temp 25 Winds Calm. Warmed to 31.

Long Run. Solo for maybe one more week. Looking like CBEM will be back in full force next week. Chilly, but otherwise nice morning. Zero other runners out. Amazing for this town. Coming off long night and belly full of red meat and surgar after wife's service group's Xmas party.

Start with 6.09 miles of jogging, drills, and striders. Total time 54:47. A dime early in the first mile.

Remove the wind pants and change into flats for first time since HM. Going with 3 x 1 Mile @ HM-15K Effort w/ 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals today. Not done anything like this for a while. Cardio settled in by third rep, but not so sure the legs could have clicked much faster. 6:40 / 6:30 / 6:32. Six cents during second jog interval.

Back into ASICS for the cool-down. Needing a quarter for the cycle. End up running it for free. 2.15 miles in 19:00 minutes.



Nice workout!