Run: Easy Previous Next


4:53 AM

5.4 mi


9:20 mi


23 F


Temp 23 (9) Wind 15 mph.

Easy 50:00 with Strides. Remnants of a sore hip and swollen feet. Will give it another twenty-four before doing any more quality stuff. Most that I've had to cocoon all year. Light snow with a dusting on the streets (nothing slick) and winds that were actually less a factor than advertised by the weather reporting data. (Guess any badass-warrior-chest-beating on social media to inspire the sedentary masses will have to wait for another day.) May have given more consideration to taking it to the basement, except wanting to roll some hills and TM is the last thing my achy hip and puffy feet need.

Cruise a loop around the west side. Back in the neighborhood to finish with some strides. Strides done at effort (7:00-6:45) more to stretch out hip flexors than to generate any fast turnover. More folks out this morning in single digit wind-chills and snow than I've been seeing on nice days. Wasn't sure if was the novelty of running in snow or if I missed a memo about there being pancakes, krispy kremes, or beer available somewhere...
