Bike: Easy Previous Next


2:00 PM

21.3 mi


21.28 mi / hr

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<No name>


Running a "no go". Didn't even make it out the door. Started by walking on TM and increasing belt speed to get an idea of what I'd be about to do. Got uncomfortable at 4 mph. Actually felt better at 5 mph, but still not good. Stopped, stepped off and immediately knew not ready. Some of the inflammation returned shortly.

F*** it. Went to Dollar General, got a 1.5 qt. tub of ice cream and ate the whole thing for breakfast. Jax HS XC Invitational today. Usually go watch. Not in the mood. Tried to go back to bed but on a chocolate buzz and could not sleep. Got back up and tried to be lazy. TV sucks. Went outside and mowed, then came back inside and rode the bike an hour. Physically felt like keeping on going; however, mentally was bored as shit sitting on my ass moving my legs.

At least CBEGM co-founder is out there carrying the water with another OA win at HS 4M.
