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4:27 AM

4.1 mi


9:20 mi


69 F


Temp 69 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 94% Dew Point 68°.

Track Intervals. Chaos-Times entering second week with first of two peek days. Early, early start this morning. Will cautiously try a hard workout. Concerned when going to bed last night that I may be getting sick. Unsure what I've been exposed to last several days. OK this a.m. Guess I just needed the rest. Weight still down about 3-4 pounds. Hydration?? Up = 2.39 miles of jogging with three short surges (one flat, one decline, and one incline). Lap on the track of striding the straight and walking the turn.

Out the door planning on 4 x 1200 at 10K. Heavy legs from heavy squats and not finding my mojo feeling my way through the darkness. Rethink things as I go and settle on a 400 / 800 / 800 / 1200 / 1200 ladder. Will give me better chance to get established and settle in at consistent effort.

400 @ 6:24 Average Pace.

800 @ 6:25 Average Pace.

800 @ 6:24 Average Pace.

1200 @ 6:20 Average Pace.

1200 @ 6:24 Average Pace.

Ran in the middle of the track (lanes four and five). Jog intervals half the distance of the reps (200, 400, and 600). Flipped directions between 800s and 1200s. Was it too fast for 10K? Maybe not. For sure wasn't 5K hard; however. Got turnover established with first 400 and things went smoothly from there. Able to stay in control through the turns and surge through the straights. Fast 1200 primarily result of good turns and finishing off the surges. Two good workouts in a row. Don't get greedy...take it easy for a couple of days.

Down = 1.74 mile stroll back to the house at a 9:25 clip. Good God, Fat Elvis! Tell me you did not do something unspeakable to that baby deer??????
