Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:09 AM

3.7 mi


6:49 mi


41 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 41 (34) Wind 10 mph.

Sunday Workout. Solo this week with early start due to small window (life stuff and weather). High stress, short sleep, and limited recovery. Have an itinerary, but will take it one step at a time and pull the plug if necessary.

Start with 1.86 mile jog at 8:10 average pace down to City Park. Tune up with 4 x 15 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals. Next up is 25:00 minute AT run on flat / rolling streets. Average pace = 6:49. Started to feel more like a tempo effort last 5:00 - 10:00 minutes, but physically relaxed, so just let things roll.

Feeling some sprinkles here and there, so jog back to house in case I have to come inside and finish up on TM. Strip off layer of gear, switch hats, hydrate, and take a shot of honey. Back out for intervals in the neighborhood. Running them as fast as I can while staying under control and avoiding red-line. Jogging 400 intervals.

1200 @ 6:27 average pace.

1200 @ 6:25 average pace.

1200 @ 6:28 average pace.

800 @ 6:18 average pace.

400 @ 6:19 average pace.

Streets wet by start of second 1200. Steady rain by start of third 1200. Not much left to do, so went ahead and stayed outside and finished. Short cool-down of 0.91 miles at 8:17 average pace. One big loop, then back to the house. Dime and penny at bottom of Russell Street hill.
