Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:55 AM

1.3 mi


13:47 mi


65 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 65 Wind 7 mph. Humidity 75% Dew Point 57°. Warmed into low 70s.

Long Run. Weatherman promised it would get cooler tonight. He lied. Significantly less coughing last night and this morning. Still some flem, but seems to be all drainage. Good news, I guess, unless this means its so packed into my lungs that I have walking pneumonia? Have some antibiotics, but want to wait another couple of days and see if I can avoid pulling that trigger.

Start with 2.41 miles at 7:51 average pace mixed with 17:30 of drills, striders, and 3 x 12 second hill repeats. Total Up of just over three miles.

Alternating Tempo today. Should be doing 3 x 2Ks with 1K intervals, but with my recent health BS, will go with 6 x 1K @ HM/15K Effort with 7 x 1K at MP Effort. Total duration pretty ballsy, but if I run them honest, and run them right, may be able to handle it. "A" performace would be 7:00ish and 6:30ish pacing for an overall average of 6:47. Promise to be gentle and not beat myself up too much if I actually come in around 6:5Xish as long as I execute well.

7:06 / 6:29 (flat and rollling) / 7:01 / 6:33 (decline before long climb on Oak Street) / 6:53 / 6:19 (Orchards ridge loops) / 7:04 / 6:30 (from The Orchards over to the track) / 7:08 / 6:24 (track) / 7:15. Was having trouble getting back to AT without slowing down significantly, so called it 1K early.

Ran it all on feel, so walked briefly and checked my splits...damn...double damn...and wow. Average pace = 6:47.

BTW, Dip-Shit: (1) No dogs on the track includes your little white obnoxious prick, and (2) that is a sidewalk from the parking lot to the track, not a spot for you to park next to the gate. If you could stand to walk the extra 50 feet or so, maybe your love handles would go away and that daughter of yours would not be such a little dough-girl.

Down - 2.18 miles at 7:52 average pace. Back to park via Jax Blvd. Dime and five pennies.
