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4:40 AM

1.5 mi


3.65 mi / hr


Grid Type A5


57 F


Temp 57 Wind 8 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. Walked for 12:00 minutes before and after running. Warm-up jog of 15:00 minutes. 1.78 miles at 8:25 average pace.

Tempo plan is 1 x 3:00 minutes and 2 x 12:00 minutes with 3:00 minute jog intervals. Running on the rolling hills in The Orchards. Go 3:00 @ 7:16 average pace, 12:00 @ 7:29 average pace, and 12:00 @ 7:23 average pace. Glutes, hams, and quads still heavy from Wednesday's strength workout. Choppy stride and uneven pacing. Road back ain't going to be a smooth, blissful cruise every day. Take the stimulus, recover, adapt, and move on.

Cool-down jog of 12:00 minutes at 8:26 average pace to make it an even hour of running.
