Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:51 AM

4.7 mi


7:06 mi


62 F
  • Map


Temp 62 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 97% Dew Point 63°.

Final CBEM Run prior to Saturday-Seven 12K. All the hard work is in, so going at everything in a laid-back way. Humid, mugger of a morning. Took our time getting in 30+ minutes of warming up. Lots of running stuff to jawbone about today. South out and back on the trail, then back to base for drills and striders. Total warm-up of 3.77 miles in 32:19.

Some tempo running (aka joe-racing) for a workout today. Humid, tired legs, and 100 miles in two weeks, so wearing a HR monitor to help stay in check and also to get a peek at fitness. Plan is 2 x 2 Miles w/ 3:00 Minute Jog Intervals. Looking to start around 7:15 pace and drop it about 0:15 seconds each mile.

7:01 / 6:50. Ave. HR 149 (80%) / 159 (85%). 6:33 / 6:28. 163 (88%) / 169 (91%). Encouraging under conditions.

Meet back up at Area Park for cool-down laps. 2.03 miles in 17:49.
