Run: Easy Previous Next


4:46 AM

5.3 mi


7:48 mi


66 F


Temp 66 Winds Calm. Humidity 88% Dew Point 62°.

Hill Repeats. Not sure if it is because there is no moon, if there are several street lights out, if it is my eyes, or a combination of things, but have struggled all week with seeing the ground in this darkness. Felt my way through 20:00 minutes at 7:52 average pace with two surges to get going.

Workout is 5 x 60 second hill repeats. Zero desire to work traffic control, so used sidewalk/trail on Broadridge. Good call as things were bustling for this time of day. Got stonger on every one. Could have easily knocked out a couple more. Some muscle fatigue from this weeks day-to-day training, but barely skimmed the top off my cardio tank.

Rolling with realigned stride on cool-down. 2.74 miles at 7:43 average pace. Resigned to the fact that I was running for free today, then spotted a nickel less than 5:00 minutes from my house. Tweaked my side coming out of a plank yesterday morning. Worked its way out during run, now its bugging me again after sitting down.
