Run: Easy Previous Next


8:06 AM

3.2 mi


8:00 mi


35 F


Temp 35 Winds Calm.

Up = OK, let's see if I remember how to do this. Wake up flat and heavy, so want to push some to prime the pump. Make sure to hit a couple of hills from Orchard School over to The Orchards subdivision. 1.49 miles at 7:31 average pace. Have a new side road scoped out to do my drills and strides out of traffic. Not going to work. It looked a lot flatter in the dark. Move on over to Jr. High teacher's lot to finish. Found a dime. Jog back to the race site, put on the flats, top off with EFS and water, then walk, jog, and stride around until start time.

Down = Short and slow cool down with OA winner. 0.83 miles at 9:00 flat.
