Run: Long Previous Next


5:49 AM

2.3 mi


8:45 mi


71 F


Temp 71 Winds Calm. Humidity 90% Dew Point 69°.

Long Run with 30:00 Minute Hilly AT Tempo. Start with a 20:00 minute jog. Included a couple of extended surges towards the end to prime.

While I've be OK with the effort, been a bit frustrated with the ugly positive splits on the two most recent AT workouts. Used my watch three times in the first 10:00 minutes this morning to ensure a more controlled start. Splits go: 7:44 / 7:38 / 7:24 / 7:14. Exactly 4.0 miles on the Garmin. Much better, but maybe still a tad fast. Would not have been a bad thing to have leveled off at 7:40 - 7:30.

Jog around town for about another hour. Average pace 8:34. Probably closer to 8:25 when moving. Picked up a lot of coins. Quarter, three dimes, three nickels, and twenty pennies. Time to lift some weights, fill up my belly, and wait to read the latest chapter in The Legend of CBEGM.
