Run: Repeats Previous Next


5:54 AM

0.8 mi


17:32 mi


67 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 67 Wind 6 mph. Humidity 93% Dew Point 65°.

Fast Twitch Day. Proceeding cautiously. Most of Friday on my feet in dress shoes, five hours sleep, and questionable level of hydration. Intermittent light rain and sprinkles; just enough wet the pavement into slick and just enough to wet the runner into wet, stinky, dog.

Up = 2.12 miles at 8:53 average pace.

6 x 0:15 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals.

Park to Track = 2.46 miles at 8:55 average pace.

Strength Intervals = jump squats, bounding, high knees, springing, and strides.

Down = 2.03 miles at 9:01 average pace. Starting to peter out by end of strength intervals. Dime, nickel, and five pennies. Time to rest up, regroup, and look forward to a more carefree day in the morning.
