Run: Easy Previous Next


5:05 AM

5.5 mi


7:51 mi


66 F


Temp 66 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 83% Dew Point 61°.

40:00 Minute Easy Run with Three Striders. Someone dumped a whole tray or cup of change in one of the City Park parking lots. Unfortunately it was mostly pennies (135), three dimes, and two nickels. Had to carry it all wrapped up in my snot rag. Another four pennies along the way for a $1.79 day.

The 40:00 minutes was at 7:55 average pace. Felt smooth and brisk. Could not help but think that there are several locals who run 20:00-23:00 minute 5Ks and never go below 1:35:00-1:45:00 in a HM that run 30-40 miles a week and NEVER do ANY training run slower than this pace??



Do I need to buy you a portable change bucket?


Maybe one of our CBEM sponsors (Coinstar) will supply me with one?