Run: Easy Previous Next


4:53 AM

10.7 mi


7:35 mi


29 F


Temp 29 (23) Wind 6 mph.

20/40/20 Aerobic Effort. Ice and snow miss. Only a dab of overnight precipitation leaves some damp spots on the roads, but not enough to make it slick. Cloud cover holds temps in upper 20s, so its "shorts" weather. Upper leg muscles have some fatigue; however, can feel this deep underlying strength that I've not felt for a long, long time. Wearing the heavier trainers to protect the legs and feet. Twenty minute warm-up with two surges. 2.46 miles.

What a difference two days makes. Strong focus and full control of the 3/4s effort from the first step. Started with 10:00 minutes on the track, 15:00 on the rolling hills in The Orchards, then Oak Street over to City Park for the finish. Relaxed and rolling. 7:04 / 7:10 / 7:04 /6:59 / 6:51 / 4:52 (7:00) for an average pace of 7:01 over 5.69 miles.

Lots of coinage on the cool-down. Quarter, two dimes, and six pennies. Another 2.52 miles in 20:47. Big confidence builder this morning.
