Run: Long Previous Next


5:23 AM

7 mi


8:00 mi


62 F


Temp 62 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 92% Dew Point 59°. Warmed to 70.

Long Run. Hilly warm-up to start. 4.44 miles jogging at 7:56 average pace. 10:00 minutes of drills and striders, then did 4 x 12-14 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals.

Workout is Alternating Tempo Run. 3 x 2K at 15K/10K sandwiched between 4 x 1K at FM. Keeping the first and last 2Ks fairly flat. Moving out to the west-side parameter of City Park for some hills on the second one.

1K - 7:18 average pace.

2K - 6:52 average pace.

1K - 7:21 average pace.

2K - 6:39 average pace.

1K - 6:58 average pace.

2K - 6:36 average pace.

1K - 7:02 average pace.

Not real good. Feeling like I had taken off too quick and checked down the first 1K twice. Was wrong and started soft. Didn't start to get the ship righted until second 2K in the hills. Salvaged the last 6K, but even that was on the soft side. Have to be better than this. Log it and move on.

Down = 2.53 miles at 8:08 average pace. Lots of runners starting to mill about now. Almost all appear to be newbies. Quarter, two nickels, and nine pennies (one Canadian).

CBEM and Co up north today in the cold water looking to roll some tri boys and girls.
