Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:49 AM

4.8 mi


7:15 mi


59 F


Temp 59 Wind 3 mph. Humidity 96% Dew Point 58°.

AT Tempo Intervals. Have some extra training capital in the bank after weather shortened long-run. Using it to extend tempo time. About 13:00 minutes over to the blue track at just over 8:00 pace. Take a lap to stride the straights and walk the turns.

Will use the outside lanes of a six lane track. Five laps at AT effort with one lap of jog intervals should produce about 10:00 minutes on and 2:00 minutes off. Average paces for tempo segments = 7:12 / 7:06 / 7:06. Miscounted and ended up running six laps on last rep. Some back and forth between trying to focus on effort while resisting the urge to over stride, but end result solid.

About 13:00 minutes back to base at 8:28 average pace. Two nickels and two pennies.
