Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


5:45 AM

1.5 mi


9:15 mi


46 F
  • Map


Temp 46 (41) Wind 13 mph.

Fast Twitch Day. Jog to City Park. Streets covered in sticks and branches. Tree down in the park. 1.87 miles at 8:18 average pace. Muggy air is gone and easy out-the-door pace drops about 0:30 seconds per mile. Starting to believe there may be some real science behind all that physiology mumbo jumbo.

6 x 0:15 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals.

Extended alternate route to the track. Creeks is up, low water bridges out of commission and probably will be for another week or two. Knew legs were primed from hill repeats, so checked down the effort to avoid leaving my strength interval workout on these hills. 2.21 miles at 8:21 average pace.

Strength intervals on the track. Series of jump squats, springing, high knees, bounding, and striders.

Finish with a real easy cool-down jog back to the neighborhood and then on home. 2.56 miles at 8:29 average pace. Quarter and a penny this morning.

Big toe misery mystery solved. Found and dug out a barberry thorn yesterday morning. On the mend. Still gets a little pissy when I first put on a shoe, but not near as angry as the other day. Grin and bear it for a few more days and should be fine.
