Run: Easy Previous Next


4:39 AM

3.2 mi


9:15 mi


59 F


Temp 59 Wind 8 mph.

AT Tempo On Flat/Rolling Streets. Just over 16:00 minutes of jogging with a few short surges, couple choppy, for a warm up. Nailed a 31:10 minute tempo with splits of 8:01 / 7:54 / 7:47 / 7:29 (7:36) for an overall average of 7:50. Short 13:00 minute jog back to the house.

Saw where the downtown sole-proprietor coffee shop plans to re-open on Monday. Reminded me how the farmer's market has been up and running (as a drive-thru) since end of last week. And all those enlighten folks runnin' with Fauci think the "new normal" will be standing six feet apart in a mask while picking up their junk food at big-box grocery or grabbing a latte at Starbucks...carry on, keep dreaming, and don't forget to pay your $1,XXX mortgage payment.
