Run: Hill Previous Next


8:45 AM

10 mi


9:10 mi


175 lb


35 F
  • Map

<No name>


Holy moly, this was a run. Not sure what got into me today as I planned my normal 6-7.

I just didn’t feel like my normal route as I hit the bottom of Davison and nearly went left down to 20 but decided I was just going to climb all the way up Davison. I’m not sure I’ve ever gone from Garfield/Davison all the way up to Backus but I did it today.

What a climb that is, I did look at the watch at the bottom of Belle/Davison and it was 9:21 and ended up at 9:33 by the top of Backus. By the time I reached the bottom of Davison/Belle it was back to 9:16z

At that point I could come down Garfield home for a near 10K but I further went silly by making the right on Belle all the way to Burch’s which is a bit or a haul. Went down from there for the trek home.

Then realized I’d be at 9.4 and I couldn’t just leave it there so added the time by going back up the hill on Davison for 0.3 to make it up.

So yea, adventure.

Strava says 522!?!? Feet elevation gain which is wild of course

I got the bulk over with in miles 2 (121) and 3 (172)

HR was good too, 168 and it peaked on the hill in miles 2/3 then settled down for the rest which is great

1: 9:16.4

2: 9:26.3

3: 9:47.3 - hill

4: 8:55

5: 8:54.4

6: 9:17.7

7: 8:57.3

8: 9:04.8

9: 9:14.2

10: 8:41.7!!!
