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2:10 AM

7 mi


6:39 mi

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<No name>


Went out and back on the Indian Trail path today, basically identical to the time Shaw and I ran together except this time the goal was to get to the Gilman before turning around. Ran the first mile with Emily and then went and tried to catch up to the guys. Winds were 20 mph and the gusts were terrible going out so it felt like you were literally standing still. It was also raining but tolerable so that wasn't an issue. I knew recovering today wasn't going to be an option just because the Indian Trail path is so wide open that nothing can save you from the wind as it punches you right in the nards. The fact that I somehow broke 7 minutes on the way out truly shocks me. Had to turn around earlier than planned because the path was flooded and there was no way we could make it to the other trail. Took until 5.5 miles to even catch up to the guys. Finished up with Galvin and Carl and then Farr made me jump in a 200 with Emily which was a 33.


First 3.43 in 23:45 (6:54 pace)

Second 3.43 in 22:10 (6:26 pace)

200 in 33
